Saturday, March 04, 2006

One more thing on ISE Drop Outs

Several of us are contemplating hosting a Felted Bag Exchange in the near future and will also be refusing to accept those people idenitified as Drop Outs (AKA "Deadbeats"). If anyone is interested in assisting with the hostess duties for a future Felted Bag Exchange, please email me bonnie_crocker at yahoo dot com


And one last thing, a big hearty thanks to Celia and Cynthia for all their efforts on the ISE. I think I speak for many when I congratulate you on a job well done. You really kept things on track and were friendly and professional the whole time!


Friday, March 03, 2006

Final deadline

Hello everyone!

[say "Hello Celia"]


I hope everyone's enjoyed themselves. I know I have. Just looking at some of the scarves that were sent - WOW!

So, anyway, it's nearly 3 weeks past the deadline. Please please please send off your scarves! If your recipient has not received your scarf by 15th March (that's A WHOLE MONTH after the exchange closing deadline) we will be considering you a drop out. We all know what that means right?

[everybody nod]

No? Okay, if you're a drop out, you get banned from future exchanges. Not only that, but we will submit your name to the 'banned' list, which is a list shared by organisers of a number of secret pal exchanges. That means you will probably be banned from other secret pal exchanges too.

We need to know if you have not received your scarf. I knwo some of you have emailed us and let us know. Some of you, well, we haven't heard from you at all. If we don't hear from you by 15th March, we will not be chasing up on your behalf any more, and we will not be organising an angel scarf for you.

Sounds harsh? Not really? well, we do have to close this exchange at some point. If we can't close it, we can't rest. No rest = no strength to organise the next one. So everyone, remember, 15th of March is the final closing deadline. Send off your scarf now so that it will arrive by then!

The "Treasure Chest" has arrived......

I came home from work and had this huge parcel waiting for me. The return address was Las Vegas, and discovered that I was to be the recipient of Debi's exquisite handiwork. I was never so excited.

The first box that I came upon was this delightful box that appears to be handmade. It contained lavender sachets that Debi had made from her garden, the cutest needle holders, lovely green candles and votive glasses, Eucalan Rinse, AND Filatura de Crosa Collage yarn.

And if THAT wasn't enough, there was this little package wrapped in tissue paper. I opened it to reveal a wonderful handmade, felted needle case. It was stitched my hand and lined with the coolest retro Spooner fabric. But, was a needle case all? No, it also contained 4 pairs of bamboo needles and another Lavender sachet.

And it THAT wasn't enough, there was also the "treasure chest". I gingerly opened it, knowing I was about to see the most exquisite scarf. I was not disappointed. Wrapped in a silk scarf, that appears to be hand dyed, was MY scarf. The work is beautiful and all my endeavors pale in comparison to the superior craftmanship. I had tears in my eyes knowing the struggles that Debi had to endure to make it. It is the most fabulous rust color and oh so luscious and soft.

And if THAT wasn't enough.... under the most beautiful scarf that I had ever laid my eyes upon, there were more yarn, including Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool, Classic Elite Yarns Miracle and Austermann Barkarole.

Words will never let me truly express my heartfelt gratitude and respect that I hold for Debi. I have been blessed to have "met" this truly remarkable lady, who will always serve as my inspiration and the wind beneath my wings. Debi, you are my hero!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Bag It

So with the some interest.. I started a Bag Along.. This is my first time hosting.. so if you all are interested check it out at..
I had such fun with this group.. I hope I can do as great a job at hosting as they have here!!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Its Arrived!

My gorgeous scarf has arrived in record time - 5 days all the way across the pond from the States. Bonnie was my pal and she exceeded all my hopes! Gorgeous pattern, an alpaca/silk blend and beads! It's absolutely perfect and I am a very, very happy girl!

Thank you very much, Bonnie, you're a star!


Tuesday, February 28, 2006

It arrived!

A few weeks ago while reading through a post on this I came across this beautiful scarf in progress. I secretly hoped it was mine.

Then Peggy posted that she had sent the scarf on it's way to a new home. And I waited, and waited, and waited. I think it was all of four or five days but it seemed like forever. I had begun to resign myself that it wasn't meant to be.

It arrived with some beautiful stitch markers - pale pink & green and a cute notepad. It was mine after all!

The scarf is so soft and squishy. It's like a warm hug! Depending on the light it looks to be variegated denim blues or teal. Peggy did a wonderful job and I'm honored that she did all this work for my scarf. Thank you very much!

Well worth the wait!

Post stolen from my blog:

It's here! The mailman may not be back tomorrow though, the little dance I did when he handed me the package may have frightened him just a little (he half walked, half sprited into the stairwell away from me). It says something sort of sad about me that the highlight of my day is the mail no matter what comes but today was happy mail and I was excited.

It's perfect: it's warm (I had to turn the heat off and put an extra blanket on the baby when I got a bit hot wearing it around the apartment), the colour is incredible and the texture is so fun. MelissaAmy you rock! She dyed and spun the yarn herself, it has thin and thick spots that pooled really cool when she knit it so it's lumpy and I love it. The colour is deep purple with patches of a great medium blue. When I put it on and looked down at it I realized it matches almost perfectly with my Koigu socks that I was wearing. A million than yous, well worth the wait and I really hope you're feeling better Melissa. The package had a pink KitKat bar and some Jelly Bellies too, candy and I don't go well together...everytime we get together one of us magically dissapears (I'm a sucker for jelly beans).

Monday, February 27, 2006

I Stocked the mailman and I won.....Package received

I want Dalsee to know that it was worth the wait! My hat and scarf are beautiful!She really excited me with cables....I don't know how to do them ....but Dalsee dose. She made them out of Peace Fleece in the color of Blueberry Borscht. Yummy! I know that I will put them to good use in March snow will surely fly. Thanks again for a great Exchange!

Thoughts about the Next Exchange

I know it's early to be thinking, but I was wondering if anyone has ever hosted a Purse Exchange? If there's one going on already, is it possible for someone to show me the link to the blog? Or if one hasn't started, maybe we could start one? One can never have too many bags, after all.

Finished, Finally!

Tonight I pulled the blocking wires off my scarf and proclaimed it finished! With the twisted fringe, it's nearly 8 feet long.
It's so soft, and smelled like heaven after I washed it in Lavender Eucalan wash before blocking. Taking it off the blocking wires was so exciting that even my husband stopped what he was doing to see the "unveiling."

I packed it in a bamboo "Treasure Chest" with lavender sachets, several skeins of lovely yarns, and latched it closed.

Because I was late finishing the scarf, I also made a felted knitting needle holder for my pal, and hope she'll enjoy it and accept my apologies for being so later in finishing the scarf. I lined the knitting needle holder with vintage Reyn Spooner fabric, added some wooden knitting needles, needle caps and Eucalan wool wash. Putting the package together was as much fun as knitting the scarf!

The scarf my first completed lace project, and I learned so much. I also fell in love with the Handworks Dressing Wires, which made blocking the scarf so easy and the edges so straight. I can't recommend these blocking wires enough--they are so beautifully packaged, work like a charm, and also part of the profits go to support a very worthy cause. I have no affiliation with the product, just a very happy customer. You can order these excellent wires at

Tomorrow I'll send the project to my very patient ISE pal. What fun this has been!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Done My Bit, Better Late Than Never!!

Well, Marji's scarf is winging its way over the ocean now. Marji rumbled me very early on, so I have been careful not to post any details of the scarf. It is my own design and I am afraid to say that it did not turn out quite as well as I had hoped. However it is certainly one of a kind!

Sadly, I have still heard nothing about my scarf pal. No emails, no scarf, no nothing. Feeling a little left out here!!