Saturday, January 07, 2006

Got my yarn

Ok, I finally decided that the yarn I purchased last it!!! I had such a time many beautiful choices...what to do, what to do? I purchased several balls of rowan kid mohair and a little matching glitz in magenta/purple. Then I purchased a mohair glitz blend in beautiful shades of blue. I've decided on the magenta combo done in a lacey pattern with glitz blended in somehow.

So now to start playing with design ideas. Scarf exchange are in my thoughts!


I think I am in love.....

I am so happy that I joined this exchange. As a relatively new knitter, I have coveted the beautiful lace that I have seen done. By participating in this exchange, you have given me the nudge to face the challenge of lace. And I think I am in love. I love lace. I love the way the pattern "blossoms" right before your eyes.

I have just completed the Branching Out scarf with K1P2 superwash merino in a tan color and the Dayflower Lace scarf with Lamb's Pride Cotton Fleece in a cream color. I am currently working on an adaptation of the Bird's Nest Shawl, using GGH Wollywasch in a hunter green. I don't know which one I will present to my pal. But, I am hoping that she will love which ever one I decide to give.

I'm not started either

but I do have some yarn:

Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend

I worked with the Manos but I didn't like the way it was turning out. It's been frogged and held for another use. As you can see, I'm proceeding with the Silk Garden. I am really liking this yarn. I haven't knit with it before and it feels nice as it moves through my fingers.

The pattern is one I am making up, but it's based on a sweater web pattern from IK. The sweater used a chevron pattern to create space for ribbed diamonds in the sleeves and center back. I'm applying the same concept to the scarf. The challenge has been fun and I think I've finally gotten the pattern worked out. The remainder should be no more than a repeat of what I've figured out so far.

I'm about a quarter of the way. All of my holiday knitting is done, thus it should be no problem to finish with time to spare. :)

Friday, January 06, 2006

Still not started

But I have a got a shortlist for the yarn and pattern. I'm still finishing my Christmas knitting as the international house move (UK -> France) caused some delays with that. I'm also knitting a baby hat for a friend's new arrival and my own daughter is just moving on to solid foods.

I can tell you what I'm not knitting for my pal: a Branching Out as I did one in Kidsilk Haze as a Christmas present; a Backyard Leaves - currently in progress as a present and an Interlocking Balloons - also in progress, it's a great pattern but a bit of a bugger to knit as the chart is so large.

My thoughts are to either come up with my own design or do something multi-directional. I need to swatch soon and make the final decision.

The good news is that I managed to find the box with the yarns in today. Now I just need to find the needles...


My first FO of 2006 is finished and will be mailed off to its happy recipient tomorrow. I do hope this scarf is enjoyed!

How is everyone else doing on their scarves?

HOPE I'm still on

Hi all. I've been sick and have not posted as my computer is at work. I have finished my scarf, it's going out in tomorrow's mail to Oklahoma! Hope all had a great holiday and a happy and healthy new year. su


Hello January!
Well the wait is almost over for my secret gal! I mailed her package yesterday and she should receive it Monday...I hope. I hope that she will e-mail me a picture of her wearing the scarf and hat...Oops now I have at least that groups attention...Who is it going to be? Happy knitting


I've completed my scarf and posted it yesterday. It's gone air mail from the UK to the USA so should be with my pal soon. I hope she likes it. It's a knitted scarf based on the Large Curlicue pattern from StitchDiva. It's more of an indoor/evening scarf which doesn't wrap right round the neck. You can just twist the two sides together or just wear it loose.

Now we're rolling!

Like many of you, I have FINALLY just gotten around to starting knitting on my scarf. After what seemed like forever, I finally settled on a yarn and pattern. I found some luscious Rowan Wool Cotton in a pumpkin-y color. It took a while to find a pattern that I liked, but I finally settled on Midwest Moonlight from Scarf Style. I have been wanting to try this pattern so this is a great opportunity. Pics when I am done.

I have also loved looking at all the scarf pictures. It has been so much fun looking at each scarf and wondering if it will show up on my doorstep!

International Scarf Exchange

I've begun my ISE scarf, and progress pics are on my blog - check em out!


I've begun my ISE scarf, and progress pics are posted on my blog... check it out!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

2nd Update

Finally, after Christmas I have had a spot of time to devote to my scarf. I'm about a third of the way through. (Further than when I took this photo)

I'm knitting the Misty Garden pattern from Scarf Style with a purple laceweight yarn held double. I've knitted in a little purple eyelash yarn in a few of the pattern repeats at the end for interest! I don't usually use that much novelty yarn but it does give the plain wool a bit of va va voom! I'm new to lace so its been a fun chllenge so far and it looks good (I think)

I'm aiming to send it off in the next fortnight. Fingers crossed! Happy Knitting - Stripey

Update on my scarf on my blog.

If anyone would like to take a peek at my scarf in progress go here.

pics finally!

I've got pics of my awesome scarf I got! (The hat resides in my car, and I am really frickin' lazy today, so I'll describe the hat- purple yarn, same mohair business at the bottom, kind of a roll-brim, very cute.) Check it out!

There's the shot of it on the chair, while Noblet looks on in disbelief.

And the ubiquitous action shot:

It's super hard to take a picture of yourself wearing a scarf. Dang. But it's quite cute, and wraps around me multiple times, and I like it. Yay!

And, I've started on my scarf for my partner, and am at least 1/3 of the way done with it (after about 6 different patterns and ripping them out each time). So watch out!

Peacock Strut

Peacocks pride is finished and blocking. I'm very happy to report it turned out nicely. I'll be shuttling it off to the far reaches of the world (relativly speaking of course) shortly where I sincerely hope my Scarf Exchange Pal will adore it and wear it often.

And a nice closeup. I love the color varigation in this scarf.

Can't wait till she gets it!!


Scarf Progress

so here is my scarf... I started it Tuesday night and it is going pretty fast! I couldn't find anything that would be "original" so I used my new book Barbra Walker's A Treasury of Knitting Patterns and made up my own... I hope she likes it... should look more professional when it's blocked! I got a blocking board and pins for this too! here is a pic :)

I should have it sent by First of next week or maybe Saturday, depends on how long it takes to dry completely!

Pics of my scarf...

I posted them on my blog too, but realised I hadn't posted them here yet. Here's 2 pictures of my gorgeous scarf. Sorry it is just Scarf and Nature pics, but I live alone and didn't manage to get nice pics of me wearing the scarf :) These were taken last week wednesday, on my way home from the bus stop. I got lots of weird looks for standing there in the middle of a snow filled field draping a scarf in a tree LOL. Non knitters just don't understand :) Oh it was very windy the day I made these and so I had to kind of poke the branches through the shawl to prevent it from flaying away.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Yeehaw! In rhyme, of course

I am happy
I am proud
I'll say in now
And I'll say it LOUD:


Lookie what I got right at Christmastime.

It matches my jacket
It matches my coat
If I had one
I bet it'd match my boat!

I'm so thrilled
With this beautiful thread
My ability to rhyme
Has gone out of my head!

Thank you , thank you, THANK YOU!!!

Knit and Purl Grrl

I got my scarf!

I forgot to post when I got it...But I got it last wek isnt it GREAT!

and look its got a secret...

how great is you cant have it its MINE....;-)

Checking in

I am getting ready to start my pals scarf I got all my Christmas knitting done and took a few days off so hopefully I should have it done by next week and get it all sent out. I hope that everyone had a very merry christmas and a happy new year!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

checking in

Whew, well, now that the holidays are finally over, I'm ready to start my scarf and hat. I've selected my patterns and even received the yarn, so I expect to cast on tonight. I did go with the Andean Silk (or is it Andean Treasure---gah, I can't remember, and I'm not currently near my knitting) from knitpicks, which is certainly soft to the touch. I'm always a little nervous picking colors from a website, but I'm pleased with how these go together. Hopefully, my pal will be, too. I'm not going to give too much information about the pattern or colors, because I don't want my pal to guess that I'm making the pieces for her.

Once I get started though, I'll try to post pics of the work in progress....I figure that with so many people finishing and mailing their scarves, my pal's soon going to figure who I am by process of elimination ;-). And, of course, my posting pics is contingent on my eventually figuring out how to get the pics out of the camera and on to the computer!

Till then, hope everyone had a great holiday season, and happy knitting everyone. Thanks to all who've shared info on their progress and pics!

Kim in NJ


Well I'm making some progress on my Clapotis for my Secret Pal. On Christmas day after the presents were opened - the breakfast was served and everything was cleaned-up I finally gave myself some "me" time and started knitting. It was a little frustrating at first - I had to frog it about 5 times but I finally got the hang of it. I am using the stitch markers despite the great advice I received from Lisel because when I was first starting I didn't understand the revised instructions. Now that I've been working on it awhile they are quite clear so perhaps if I ever knit another one . . . . Anyway - here is how it is looking:

And the interesting thing about Clapotis is that after awhile you drop a stitch all the way down and it opens up these little rows. It was VERY scary the first time I did it - I was worried that the entire thing might unravel (what can I say - I'm neurotic) but it didn't and it is actually quite cool. So far I've worked 3 sets where you drop the stich (picture was taken when there were 2). There is a total of 13 sets where you do it. Hopefully my scarf buddy will like it! Happy New Year to all and to all good knitting in 2006!

Casted On

Just checking in.
Yes I know I am behind it seems.. I finally casted on.. I am loving the yarn and the pattern. The colors blend into each other so great.. its like watercolors..
So knit knit knit..I wont stop till I am done hehehe.

The Last Step

International Scarf Exchange
I'm pleased to announce that I've finished the scarf (sorry, no photo as still haven't figured out how to post them yet)and that it is waiting patiently to be blocked and sent off on its way. The only thing that is holding me back is that it is too damn hot!

When the temperature here drops below the 30 degree C. mark (we had 44C/111F here on New Year's day)then I will feel confident about handling it without it instantly felting. Aplogies to the recipient of the scarf because by the sound of the Northern Hemisphere weather reports you probably really need it right now.

Monday, January 02, 2006

from my secret pal

from my secret pal
Originally uploaded by queenmaxine.
I received my scarf a couple of weeks ago and just now have the time o say thanks. She(?) sent it and all I know is she is in Australia as she signed the note Scarf Exchange Secret Pal.

It is a lovely mohair and in pale colors which is contrary to anything I might make myself, so it is a perfect addition to my scarf wardrobe.

Thanks SESP!

to my secret pal

to my secret pal
Originally uploaded by queenmaxine.
There is a post on Nov 19 titled 'yarn party' with a pic showing the before of this yarn which was after my Yorkie pup got a hold of it. Here, the finished product is abour6 inches wide and 6 feet long. A guestimate for sure as I do not feel like getting out the tape measure.

For all my worries and fears of blocking it, all went well. I doubled up a towel on the ironing board and pinned about every six inches then steam blocked it using a wet kitchen towel and the iron on the highest steam setting holding the iron above the kitchen towel. I clearly see the advantage in tis, though I like it all curled up, too.

I bought some more Berroco Foliage in red to make one for myself.

Branching Out Journey

After knitting a foot each 19 different lace patterns, trying out at least a dozen different yarns, I've finally begun the actual pattern with the chosen yarn. Branching Out is the pattern, and I'm making two scarves at the same time to see which one I think my scarf pal will like best: one with Baby Brush Alpaca that I dyed in a deep russet color, and one with a bright red Douceur et Soie. Okay, to be totally honest, also on another set of needles and next to my bed is a third one, made from a sportweight merino, silk and cashmere. Doing three at a time helps keep my interest--there's always a different yarn to work with. Color me ADD and on Ritalin.

I try to do a couple of pattern repeats before I leave any given room where whichever scarf OTN resides. I'm in heaven, and it was worth all time spend on experimentation, learning how to read charts, finding ways to make them work for me with lifelines and color coding. Endless hours of frogging before I got to the point where I could read the stitches even if I got lost and made a mistake in the pattern.

It truly is about the journey--I have learned so much from this experience, and pushed myself into new challenges I was certain I was just not ready for. I am grateful that my secret pal wanted lace, something I'd never done, and that this was my motivation for learning something I was just too chicken to try beforehand.

It's sure been a grueling 6 weeks, though---and many times I just stopped in tears and started to believe I'd never be able to finish a pattern without making mega-mistakes. Now, with about 12 repeats on each set of needles, I feel much more confident and not so tense about making a mistake when my husband or dogs interrupt me and I lose my place!

I was really so happy with my chosen scarf pal, as our tastes are so similar, and making this scarf for her means I can use yarns and colors and patterns I would also make for myself. It's a double-delight, and I'll also have a scarf for myself and one for my sister--who didn't get hers for Christmas because I was still struggling with fixing mistakes and losing my place. Now that I have a good system going, I'm actually enjoying each row and no longer in stress mode.

I'm trying not to judge my chosen scarf pattern against those I see here that listmembers are doing--ones that are so intricate, so complex and take enormous concentration. They inspire me, make me want to continue learning and trying new things, but I can accept that the really complex lace patterns are still a bit above my ability right now. But next year? Who knows! The elegant simple pattern I ultimately chose will set me on the road to success without frustrating me to the point of quitting. No way am I ready for the scarf pattern Celia chose--the to die for "Ene" scarf, which I drool over daily, but know I'm not ready to commit to trying yet.

What an amazing journey this has been, and how delighted I am to be part of this group, and to to anticipate my scarf pal's joy at receiving this scarf, even if it isn't an "Ene!" Hey, for me, "Branching Out" has been a great challenge, and I know I'll be proud of my effort.

I'm working diligently, carefully, and enjoying every single stitch.

Big Smiles from Debi in Las Vegas

I got my Scarf!!!

Woohoo! I was gone this weekend and came home tonight to find a package on my doorstep. Hmm, I don't know anyone in Oklahoma??? Imagine my surprise when I opened the package and found the most BEAUTIFUL scarf!!! Chris M. in Oklahoma THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! You did an outstanding job. I LOVE my scarf!! The picture of Chris' scarf is in the December 28th entry. On my first walk with my dog this evening, I got a compliment from my neighbor! What an awesome design! Did you design that yourself? Chris, thank you so much!

And to the organizers: Thank you for a wonderful exchange! This has been so much fun. Being a new knitter (less than 1 year) it was fascinating to see all the yarns and patterns people are choosing and expanding my horizons on the scarf I did for my pal. A million thanks!


Sunday, January 01, 2006

checking in

Oh, I've meant to post forEVER. Stupid finals in which I did not sleep were followed closely by stupid holidays that would not quit, and now I can post.

I got my scarf and hat! I really really really like them. They're gorgeous, and yesterday a woman at borders complimented me on my purple scarf and hat going with my green coat just enough to be interesting. It's warm, and the stitch pattern is neat, and the yarn kicks butt! As soon as the boy gets the camera from his house, I'll post a picture.

My partner can expect hers pretty soon! I'm at work on it, I think she'll like it. I hope.....

Checking in

Christmas knitting is out of the way and while I have a few things that will be keeping my busy in the next little while, I'm hoping to finalize the pattern for my scarfee's scarf and work on at least a few rows each night. I'm so jealous of all you who have finished yours already! Good work!!